More respect, better care
Foster Parents are not only a professional involved in the delivery of care to vulnerable children, but that they are the key professional (living with the child and therefore knowing them more intimately than any other professional) and need to be respected accordingly. This respect must extend to the fact that foster parents have freedom of movement and are themselves in the best position to judge where best their needs will be met. We work on the basis that if the foster parent is having their needs met, they are in a better position to meet the needs of the children they care for.
A difficult choice made easier
Once the decision to move has been made by a foster family, that speed of movement is critical: If we are to assume that by making the difficult decision to leave an organisation that they have worked with for some time, that something within the relationship has broken down. Even if the relationship is robust, it will be put under strain by the simple prospect of moving. Once we have acknowledged that the relationship between the family and their organisation is strained, there is potential for the relationship between the child and the family to come under stress. Clearly, we need to consider the welfare of the child at the centre of this process at all times. Taking into consideration that we acknowledge that taking time is potentially damaging to children in place, as we have established, and that this is our over-riding concern: we have streamlined the transfer process to seven steps deemed to be critical. This process can be completed well within four weeks from the moment of application.
If you think that your needs might best be met by transferring to Diverse Care, please get in touch and we will describe the process in detail and invite you in for a confidential chat.
"If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."
- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist